Trial & Trust
The Christian life, although abundant and joy-filled, is not absent of difficulty in spite of what some suggest. Often times it’s the Christian’s very walk with Jesus that increases difficulty.
In this series we drop in on the lives of Jonah, Joseph and Job to observe how they encountered trials and responded to them. We'll seek to learn how we can continue to trust in God as we also encounter trials.
Trial & Trust - Job - Part 3
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (20154KB)
Date: December 2, 2018
Text: Job 3-42
We finish off this series with a 40 chapter flyover of Job where we’ll consider Job’s regret and God’s response to him and His restoration of Job thereafter. -
Trial & Trust - Job - Part 2
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (28922KB)
Date: Nov 18, 2018
Text: Job 1:13 - 2:10
In this sermon we begin a three-part journey into the heated topic that comes with the presence of evil and the supreme rule of God. This week, which begins the process, we look at Job who suffers, by the will of God, while being blameless and upright. -
Trial & Trust - Job - Part 1
Speaker: Matt MenzelDownload MP3 (24183KB)
Date: Nov 11, 2018
Text: Job 1:1-12
In this sermon we will begin an examination of the life of Job. More specifically, we'll focus on the conversation that God has with Satan as a back drop to the events recorded for us from Job's life. How are we to understand the person and work of Satan in our world? What's at stake as he disguises himself to deceive? How can we not only resist him but overpower him and become an argument against his lies in the world? -
Trial & Trust - Joseph - Part 4
Speaker: Aaron BoswellDownload MP3 (26585KB)
Date: Nov 4, 2018
Text: Genesis 50:19-21
How does the Bible call us to forgive and extend grace to those who commit evil against us? What do we learn from the life of Joseph that helps us understand this? And is this possible for us? That’s what this message addresses as we wrap up the last few weeks of studying the life of Joseph. -
Trial & Trust - Joseph - Part 3
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (22553KB)
Date: Oct 28, 2018
Text: Genesis 39:20-40:23
What do you do when your commitment to righteousness and good works takes you from bad to worse? That's what this message addresses as we look at Joseph as he's thrown into prison under false accusations of attempted rape. We see how he responds and how, most importantly, he was able to carry on in spite of the great trial he was going through. -
Trial & Trust - Joseph - Part 2
Speaker: Matt MenzelDownload MP3 (23769KB)
Date: Oct 21, 2018
Text: Genesis 39:1-23
In this sermon we will continue our exploration of the life of Joseph. We’ll watch as God leads him into blessing, temptation, and a whole host of other life-altering realities. Ultimately we’ll see that Jesus is the one who walked through each of these things fully and completely on our behalf. And we’ll wrap things up with a celebration of those placing their faith in Jesus! -
Trial & Trust - Joseph - Part 1
Speaker: Matt MenzelDownload MP3 (25077KB)
Date: Oct 14, 2018
Text: Genesis 37
In this sermon we will begin looking at the story of a boy named Joseph. We will see the extreme measures that God used to call him and the great cost, suffering, and service that call lead him into. We will also see that Joseph wasn't alone in this call as every disciple of Jesus has been called in the same way and to the same things. -
Trial & Trust - Jonah 4
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (28304KB)
Date: Oct 07, 2018
Text: Jonah 4:1-11
We wrap up our look at Jonah in this message with three takeaways that have weaved their way through the book and culminate in chapter 4. In doing so we will once again be confronted with the reality that we are more like Jonah than we may care to admit and need God's grace as much as he did. -
Trial & Trust - Jonah 3
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (27394KB)
Date: Sept 30, 2018
Text: Jonah 3:1-10
In this message the call of God on Jonah comes a second time. But unlike the first, this time, Jonah goes and calls out to Nineveh and a city is turned upside down in light of God's mercy and grace. -
Trial & Trust - Jonah 2
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (25524KB)
Date: Sept 23, 2018
Text: Jonah 2:1-10
In last week's message we entered a storm that came about because of Jonah's fleeing. Today, in chapter 2, we learn from Jonah the right response to our storms and how Jesus is the ultimate rescuer from them. -
Trial & Trust - Jonah 1
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (25336KB)
Date: Sept 16, 2018
Text: Jonah 1:1-17
In this kick off message to the series, Trial and Trust, we look at Jonah, his call and the effects of his unfaithful response. We end by noticing how God overwhelms Jonah's sin with grace and mercy.