This is what the coming Kingdom will look like: people from every tribe, nation, and language. However, this beautiful picture of worship is not only for the future, but can be glimpsed right now in our local churches.
The Lord has placed Westside Church in Vancouver, a unique city where people from many nations and backgrounds come together. Though the reasons for being here are distinct, we all have one thing in common: we all need to know Jesus and make Jesus known. Jesus’ church in Vancouver should be a foretaste of the glorious picture of worship in Revelation 7.
The goal of International Language Ministry at Westside is to provide a place and environment for people who are new to this city to:
- Humbly pursue Jesus’ Presence without language barriers
- Be continuously formed into Jesus’ Image together, for the good of our city and the home countries we are from, as Jesus’ Kingdom comes.
Language Groups
Language groups currently up and active
Other languages you can connect with Westside
- 廣東話: cantonese@wchurch.ca
- 日本語: japanese@wchurch.ca
- Pусский: russian@wchurch.ca
Real-Time Sermon Translation
Current Translation Schedule
- Mandarin: Every Sunday
- Korean: Every Sunday
- Spanish: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday of each Month
- Portuguese: Last Sunday of each Month
*Please note that, while we do our best, the schedule may change without notice.
Sermon Translation Podcasts
Questions? Email ilm@wchurch.ca.