Prayer Opportunities
Prayer is foundational to our lives and ministry, and we are a praying church! Below are some of the ways that you can get involved in praying for others and being prayed for. Learn more about why we pray here.
Weekly Drop-in Prayer Opportunities
Sunday Pre-Gathering Prayer
Date: Every Sunday morning
Time: 8:30-9:00 a.m. (before the gathering)
Location: Auditorium, in front of the stage
We share what the Lord has been showing us, worship together, and pray a covering over the gathering (this includes focused prayer for the preacher and worship team).
Sunday Intercessory Prayer
Date: Every Sunday morning
Time: 9:30-10:30 a.m. (during the first gathering)
Location: Room B13, Basement Level (take the elevator and check the map on the wall when you exit to find B13)
We share a time of intercessory prayer during the first gathering. Pray for the body of Westside and everyone serving, for many in the city to be drawn by the Lord, and for all to have encounter with Jesus.
Wednesday Morning Prayer
Dates: Every Wednesday morning
Time: 7:00-8:00 a.m.
Location: Online via Zoom
We share a devotional, pray for each other, and then pray over the prayer requests from our church body. We finish by interceding for our church staff, communities, city, government, and the world.
Click the button below to join the meeting. It only goes live on Wednesday mornings just before the meeting.
Click the button below to join the Group. It gets you on the mailing list for the weekly prayer requests.
Intercessory Prayer Teams
Each team below has its own commitment and focus for prayer. When you fill out the form you will see more details on the format and qualifications for each team.
Note: If you feel passionate to pray for something not listed below, the form has an option for that as well.
Sundays In Person:
- Gathering Prayer: This team prays for individuals in the post sermon response and worship time during the gathering.
- Lobby Prayer: This team is a prayerful, welcoming and service oriented presence in the lobby, a sticky place for people to find conversation and prayer.
Ministry Intercessors:
- Alpha: This team prays for everyone involved in the Alpha Course, which is a course oriented towards reaching the lost.
- Care: This team prays for the care ministry and people requesting care from the care ministry.
- Justice & Mercy: This team prays for everyone involved in our justice & mercy ministries.
- Kids, Youth & Families: This team prays for everyone involved in our kids, youth and families ministries.
- Rentals & Building: This team prays for our rentals team, the building and our rental clients.
- Worship: This team prays for everyone involved in our worship ministry.
ILM (International Language Ministry) This team intercedes for everyone in the ILM ministry, as well as the gatherings and events.
Request Prayer
Please call the Westside Church office or email to let us know of any urgent prayer requests or medical emergencies with this church body.
If you need personal prayer for yourself or your family, click the link below to fill out the prayer request form. This can go to the entire prayer team or just the staff and elders to pray over you and your situation.
Other ways to pray together
Gospel Community
Gospel Communities gather to practice the way of Jesus together. A big part of this is prayer! It's a place to gather and pray for yourself, for others, for the ministry of Westside, and whatever else God lays on your heart. For Gospel Community info and signup click here.
Prayer and Worship Nights
We gather each month to sing praises to God and pray corporately for our community, church, and each other. The calendar has all upcoming dates: click here to access it.
Questions? Email