Dinner of Love & Reach
Join us for a free sit-down meal!
Doors: 6:00 p.m.
Time: 6:30 p.m. (Doors close at 6:50 p.m.)
Location: The Centre, 777 Homer Street
2025 Dates
January | 24th
February | 7th & 21st
March | 7th & 21st
April | 4th & 18th
May | 9th & 23rd
June | 6th & 20th
July | 11th & 25th
August | 8th & 22nd
September | 12th & 26th
October | 10th & 24th
November | 7th & 28th
December | 12th
For a decade, Dinner of Love served meals in the Kitsilano area before moving to The Centre when Westside relocated downtown in 2014. We continue to welcome and serve many of our original guests, as well as new faces from across our community. Our vision remains clear: to make Jesus known through open doors, shared meals, and genuine fellowship, while faithfully serving those in need. Beyond offering a free meal, we aim to build lasting relationships and foster meaningful connections with our guests each time they visit.
On the same evening, our Reach team heads to Granville Street, offering takeout meals, coffee, and snacks to those on the streets. They also spend time connecting with and praying for the individuals they encounter, whether they are resting on the sidewalk or waiting in line for an event. Through these efforts, our Reach team seeks to demonstrate Christ’s love and share the good news of Jesus throughout Vancouver.
We are so thankful for our amazing teams who make Dinner of Love and Reach possible! If you’re passionate about these ministries and want to get involved, please visit our Serve Page to apply.
Here’s how you can join the team:
- Complete the Initial Form: Fill out a brief form on the Serve Page, and indicate your interest in serving with the “Justice & Mercy” team.
- Complete Detailed Application: After we receive your form, you’ll be sent a more detailed application specific to the Dinner of Love and Reach teams.
- Get in Touch: Once you submit the detailed application, our leadership team will reach out to you for a brief phone call to address any questions we / you may have.
- Welcome Aboard: If the application process is successful, you will receive a “Welcome to the Team!” email with scheduling information and any additional details you need.
We look forward to having you join us in serving our community!
While we are so grateful and appreciate your desire to serve this ministry, we kindly request that you do not drop in to serve, until you have gone through our process and are added to the schedule.