We can be sure of few things in this world. But one thing we know is that something is fundamentally broken. We experience it through broken marriages, families that have fallen apart, and lives that just never seem to stack up. Thankfully, God has done something to right the wrongs. In the early words of Galatians chapter 4, we experience the reality that Jesus became a child so that we might become children of God—adopted into a new family, with a new identity, a new hope, and a new Father. In Jesus we learn to see all of heaven in the face of a child.
Living as Sons and Daughters
- Galatians 4:4-7
Nathan Harrison / January 1, 2023
The words of Scripture speak not only to a freedom that comes from knowing Jesus, but to a new life found in the family of God. But what happens when the experience of that life of being a son or daughter of God feels like a distant reality? Where do we turn? How do we come to experience that life? That’s what Paul highlights in the words of our text this week.
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