Servant King Series
The season of Advent has been celebrated for centuries by Jesus’ followers as they remember His first coming and look forward to His return. In this Advent season we'll unpack four prophecies from the book of Isaiah often referred to as Servant Songs. These prophecies, written more than seven hundred years before Jesus' birth, detail the way Jesus would bring restorative justice, renewal, and hope to our world. They show us how Jesus is the answer to our deepest questions and the most profound longings of every human heart.
Advent Guides
The Village Church (Texas) has made a couple of great Advent guides available on their website:
Family / Preschool Advent Guide
Servant King : resistance to the king
Matt Menzel / December 24, 2019
Matthew 2:1-12
In this sermon we will unpack Matthew's account of Jesus' birth announcement in Jerusalem. We'll see why the people who longed most deeply for a new Kingdom weren't ready when the King was born and how we can build our lives on the hope of Jesus' return.
Servant King : Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12
Josh Dool / December 22, 2019
Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12
In this fourth servant song of Isaiah we’ll unearth the gospel in vivid clarity by beholding Jesus - the servant that God sent! We’ll then examine the prophesies of the service that he would perform and the salvation that he would purchase for mankind.
Servant King : A Word for the Weary
Matt Menzel / December 15, 2019
Isaiah 50:4-11
In this sermon we’ll unpack one of Isaiah’s ancient prophecies of Jesus. We’ll see that God intends to totally restore all things including us. We’ll see how Jesus has already ushered this restorative justice into our world and left us here to be people of renewal until He comes again!
Servant King : Isaiah 49:1-13
Mark Burch / December 8, 2019
Isaiah 43:1-13
In this sermon we'll unpack one of Isaiah's ancient prophecies of Jesus. We'll see that God's vision for restoration is far broader than just the Jewish nation of Israel - but a beautiful mosaic of all peoples, languages, and nations! May it be in Vancouver as it is in heaven!
Servant King : Behold My Servant
Matt Menzel / December 1, 2019
Isaiah 42:1-9
In this sermon we’ll unpack one of Isaiah’s ancient prophecies of Jesus. We’ll see that God intends to totally restore all things including us. We’ll see how Jesus has already ushered this restorative justice into our world and left us here to be people of renewal until He comes again!