Power Gifts Part III:
Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, Discernment of Spirits, Miracles
- 1 Corinthians 14:26-40
Matt Menzel / November 21, 2021
In this sermon we’ll give an overview of the spiritual gifts of tongues, the interpretation of tongues, discernment of spirits, and miracles.
Jesus, Our Model & Gift Tension
Jon Thompson / November 14, 2021
In this sermon we’ll look at the purpose and practice of the spiritual gifts of prophecy, words of knowledge and wisdom.
Power Gifts Part II: Prophecy, Words of Knowledge/Wisdom
- 1 Corinthians 14:1-25
Matt Menzel / November 7, 2021
In this sermon we’ll look at the purpose and practice of the spiritual gifts of prophecy, words of knowledge and wisdom.
Love - the Most
Excellent Way
- 1 Corinthians 13
Cliff Ursel / October 31, 2021
In this sermon we will look at something that we might overlook God calls the most excellent way - Love.
Embracing Unity
in the Body
- 1 Corinthians 12:12-31
Nathan Harrison / October 24, 2021
In a world of competition and comparison, spiritual gifts can easily become another opportunity to divide. But we are called to humbly embrace our gifts and the gifts of others so that together we can be the body of Christ.
Power Gifts Part 1:
Faith & Healing
Matt Menzel / October 17, 2021
In this sermon we’ll look at the spiritual gifts of faith and healing.
Word Gifts: Apostleship, Teaching, Leadership, Shepherding, Exhortation and Evangelism
Matt Menzel / October 10, 2021
As we begin to look at the “variety of gifts” as “manifestations of the Spirit,” we look at Apostleship, Teaching, Leadership, Shepherding, Exhortation and Evangelism
Love Gifts: Administration, Mercy, Helps/Serving & Giving
Matt Menzel / October 4, 2021
As we begin to look at the “variety of gifts” as “manifestations of the Spirit,” we’ll start with the gifts of administration, mercy, helps or serving, and giving.
Different Giftings
For the Good of All
- 1 Corinthians 12:4-7
Cliff Ursel / September 26, 2021
In this sermon we’ll be introduced to the person of the Holy Spirit and a guiding principle for the use of any and all spiritual gifts.
The Holy Spirit and DIY Gods
- 1 Corinthians 12:1-3
Matt Menzel / September 19, 2021
In this sermon we’ll be introduced to the person of the Holy Spirit and a guiding principle for the use of any and all spiritual gifts.