Last year I shot a video for the C2C Network with my Transposition Films partner Ryan. The C2C Network exists to be a catalyst for church planting throughout Canada. Through all the stories we shot of church planters from sea to sea, Jesus' work in building his church in Canada was front and centre. We discovered that the people Jesus calls to plant are changed just as much as those they are sent to minister to.
As you watch the video below, I want to challenge you to replace the title “church planter” with “community group leader” or “local missionary” or “called to witness and minister to the people of Vancouver” or “living intentionally for Christ in Vancouver”. If you are serving in a way that seems beyond yourself or your own abilities in this city, be encouraged that God was here long before you and will be here long after, that He uses us in spite of us and that the trials we face as we live out this calling are continuously refining us.
Since joining the staff at Westside a few months ago, I have already begun to experience what seems like a new set of trials, a new fire. Vancouver is where God has placed my wife Tami and I, and our calling is clear, but for us this is not an easy city to live in compared to where we came from. The challenges are real, but God is amazingly faithful. He was here before us and He has been changing us through His Spirit as we set out to fulfill the calling He has placed on our lives. He will be here long after us, continuing His work.
I want to encourage you to watch through the whole video. Listen to the stories. Imagine you are one of the stories. God has called each one of us. Maybe not to plant a church, but He has called you to a work for Him and as we’ve heard before in many sermons, “The safest place is NOT at the centre of God’s will.” Sometimes being at the centre of God’s will means stepping into seasons of difficulty; but take further encouragement, because the Lord is with us. Jesus is the Lord from beginning to end. He calls us, He sends us and He equips us. He will change us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus will build his church.
Josh Knepper is the Director of Missions & Justice Ministries at Westside Church. He also leads a Community Group and plays on the worship team. Josh has a passion for video and film-making and is one of the Partners at Transposition Films.
the Call, the Fire & the Lord from Transposition Films on Vimeo.