Confession: Fear of God

Father in heaven

King of creation

Lord of hosts

God almighty

Holy is Your name

We come before You as we are

Without hiding or diminishing what is in our hearts

We confess that we do not fear You as we ought to

Too often we have come into Your presence with a lukewarm and casual spirit

Forgetting that You are a consuming fire

Too often have we feared man, seeking the approval we crave in people pleasing

Rejecting a pursuit of what pleases Your heart

Too often have we feared one another, fearing conflict and rejection

Rejecting Your command to forgive and love one another

Too often have we feared the future

Rejecting Your command to not be anxious, but to walk in trust

We confess that there is often no fear of God before our eyes. (Ps 36:1)

It is better to have a little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure without it (Pr 15:16)

For The fear of the LORD prolongs life (Pr 10:27)

The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil (Pr 8:13)

By the fear of the LORD we can turn AWAY from evil (Pr 16:6)

The fear of the LORD is instruction in wisdom (Pr 15:33)

And the fear of the LORD leads to life (Pr 19:23)

Yet for all this, we have still rejected the fear of You, Lord in many ways

So much of our sin shows us that our view of you is too small, Jesus

Lord would you be magnified in the eyes of your people

Would you be glorified in our midst

That we would see and know that you are a consuming fire

A loving God who is jealous for the purity of Your bride

So we ask in Your grace that You would cleanse us of our impurity

Forgive us

And break off our small view of You

Instruct us in the fear of God (2 Chronicles 26:5)

Teach us the fear of the LORD (Ps 34:11)

Awaken reverence and awe again in Your church

May the fear of God be our confidence (Job 4:6)

And may our delight be in the fear of the LORD (Is 11:3)

Holy Spirit, cleanse us from every defilement of body and spirit

Bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God. (2 Cor 7:1)

Father in heaven

King of creation

Lord of hosts

God almighty

Holy is Your name

We come before You as we are

Without hiding or diminishing what is in our hearts

We confess that we do not fear You as we ought to

Too often we have come into Your presence with a lukewarm and casual spirit

Forgetting that You are a consuming fire

Too often have we feared man, seeking the approval we crave in people pleasing

Rejecting a pursuit of what pleases Your heart

Too often have we feared one another, fearing conflict and rejection

Rejecting Your command to forgive and love one another

Too often have we feared the future

Rejecting Your command to not be anxious, but to walk in trust

We confess that there is often no fear of God before our eyes. (Ps 36:1)

It is better to have a little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure without it (Pr 15:16)

For The fear of the LORD prolongs life (Pr 10:27)

The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil (Pr 8:13)

By the fear of the LORD we can turn AWAY from evil (Pr 16:6)

The fear of the LORD is instruction in wisdom (Pr 15:33)

And the fear of the LORD leads to life (Pr 19:23)

Yet for all this, we have still rejected the fear of You, Lord in many ways

So much of our sin shows us that our view of you is too small, Jesus

Lord would you be magnified in the eyes of your people

Would you be glorified in our midst

That we would see and know that you are a consuming fire

A loving God who is jealous for the purity of Your bride

So we ask in Your grace that You would cleanse us of our impurity

Forgive us

And break off our small view of You

Instruct us in the fear of God (2 Chronicles 26:5)

Teach us the fear of the LORD (Ps 34:11)

Awaken reverence and awe again in Your church

May the fear of God be our confidence (Job 4:6)

And may our delight be in the fear of the LORD (Is 11:3)

Holy Spirit, cleanse us from every defilement of body and spirit

Bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God. (2 Cor 7:1)