15 Week Study of the Book of James
Throughout the book of James, James contends that faith produces authentic deeds. In other words, if those who call themselves God’s people truly belong to Him, their lives will produce deeds or fruit.
More than any other book in the New Testament, James places the spotlight on the necessity for believers to act in accordance with our faith. How well do our actions mirror the faith that we proclaim? As leader of the Jerusalem church, James wrote as a pastor and brother in Christ to instruct and encourage his dispersed people in the face of their difficulties. As you read and study this letter, allow it to encourage you to do good, according to the faith you proclaim, by God’s grace and Spirit.
Study Guide & Post Sunday Content
We encourage you to grab a hard copy of the study guide for you to take notes in on Sundays. The guides contain:
- Bible reading plan.
- Weekly memory verses.
- Mini introductions of each week are given in order to introduce the content of the sermon.
- A section is provided to take sermon notes and for Community Group Leaders to write their own questions while listening to the sermon.
- The Post Sunday Content is to guide you in your Community Group discussions.
- The Family Discussion questions are to help parents talk through these stories with their children. Feel free to go through the questions all at once, or periodically through the week.
- The Recommended Resources section provides some good options for those looking to continue studying this topic.
Week 15 // James 5:13-20
Speaker: Matt MenzelDownload MP3 (24388KB)
Date: July 26, 2015
Text: James 5:13-20
As we come to the end of the book of James we will be reminded that every man and woman who has received the grace of God has been called to live as a conduit of it into the lives of those around them. -
Week 14 // James 5:7-12
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (23716KB)
Date: July 19, 2015
Text: James 5:7-12
As we begin wrapping up our series James calls us to patience but patience towards what? This sermon delves into that question as James reveals three categories that require our ongoing patience. -
Week 13 // James 5:1-6
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (26475KB)
Date: July 12, 2015
Text: James 5:1-6
Few topics are more sensitive to delve into than the topic of money and wealth. Yet, ironically, few things are addressed more frequently and prove to be more dangerous to one's faith than money and wealth. In this message we ask four questions to help us consider how our faith is interacting with the riches around us. -
Week 12 // James 4:13-17
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (19119KB)
Date: July 5, 2015
As we have seen throughout this series, the theme of James is faith working itself out. In this message James reveals how our faith should interact and respond to God's will. -
Week 11 // James 4:11-12
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (23166KB)
Date: June 28, 2015
Text: James 4:11-12
Few instructions are more misunderstood and ignored than the call to judge. In this message we look at what right judging looks like and the warning against the opposite. -
Week 10 // James 4:1-10
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (22712KB)
Date: June 21, 2015
Text: James 4:1-10
As we enter chapter 4 James addresses the main causes for relational discord and the reasons and the remedy for lives that have veered off course. -
Week 9 // James 3:13-18
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (22884KB)
Date: June 14, 2015
Text: James 3:13-18
In today's passage James doubles back to the topic of wisdom and answers the questions: what wisdom is, what wisdom isn't and what wisdom produces in us. -
Week 8 // James 3:1-12
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (24092KB)
Date: June 7, 2015
Text: James 3:1-12
There is no letter in the Bible that addresses the power of the tongue - positively and negatively - more than James does. In this message we explore the three things the tongue enables and why not many of us should become teachers. -
Week 7 // James 2:14-26
Speaker: Matt MenzelDownload MP3 (22333KB)
Date: May 31
Text: James 2:14-26
As we come to the end of chapter two James will drive the main point of the chapter home with a discussion on the relationship between faith and works. -
Week 6 // James 2:1-13
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (24281KB)
Date: May 24, 2015
Text: James 2:1-13
Why is partiality and favoritism wrong? In this message we delve into the question and and answer it in view of the gospel. -
Week 5 // James 1:26-27
Speaker: Matt MenzelDownload MP3 (21627KB)
Date: May 17, 2015
Text: James 1:26-27
As we come to the end of chapter one James will continue with the theme of spiritual self-deception. In these two verses he will lay out three practical evidences of whether the faith one professes is worthless or pure and undefiled before God. -
Week 4 // James 1:19-25
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (28490KB)
Date: May 10, 2015
Text: James 1:19-25
As people who have been born again how do we then live? In this message James calls us to hear, heed and hold on to the Word and by so doing live a life that is pleasing to God. -
Week 3 // James 1:12-18
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (24056KB)
Date: May 3, 2015
Text: James 1:12-18
Although trials and tests come by way of God and are for our benefit they bring with them the temptation to resist and sin. This message addresses the root of temptation and how to resist them when they arise. -
Week 2 // James 1:5-11
As we continue in our series through the book of James we are going to get some practical help with the exhortation given to us in the first four verses. Namely, how can we count it all joy when we face trials of various kinds?Download MP3 (22046KB) -
Week 1 // James 1:1-4
Speaker: Norm FunkDownload MP3 (24399KB)
Date: April 12, 2015
Text: James 1:1-4
In this kick off message to this series we look at what real faith looks like when confronted with trials and tests.