A Warning That Serves a Purpose - Ephesians 5:15-2
We all have to navigate shifts in life. This text gives us some insights to consider as we navigate our current shift.
Series: Stand Alone
Speaker: Cliff Ursel
Date: September 5, 2021
Text: Ephesians 5:15-21
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Sent and Sending - Acts 1:1-8
In this week's sermon we’ll take a look at the opening of the book of Acts, and discuss how what Jesus came to do, and what Jesus died to give us, impact the mission that God has for us.
Series: Standalone
Speaker: Josh Dool
Date: February 7, 2021
Text: Acts 1:1-8
To connect with us or find more resources visit us at www.wchurch.ca
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Getting Back on Track - Haggai 2
Today we look at practical ways we can get our lives back on track with God and live lives of meaning and purpose..
Series: Haggai
Speaker: Cliff Ursel
Date: January 3, 2021
Text: Haggai 2
To connect with us or find more resources visit us at www.wchurch.ca
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Consider Your Ways - Haggai 1:1-15
As we journey through the moments of our lives considering each step, may we find that the only eternal joy to be found is in Jesus.
Series: Haggai
Speaker: Jer Adrian
Date: December 27, 2020
Text: Haggai 1:1-15
To connect with us or find more resources visit us at www.wchurch.ca
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Salt & Light Disciples: Matthew 5:13-16
Speaker: Josh Dool
Date: August 2, 2020
Text: Matthew 5:13-16
We’ll look at Matthew 5:13-16 and see what Jesus says about the identity, mission, and cost of being his disciples today.
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How Do I Know That I’m A Christian?
How Do I Know That I’m A Christian?
1 Thessalonians 1:2-10
Today’s sermon answers the question, “How do I know I am a Christian?” by digging into 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10.
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Speaker: Norm Funk
Text: Philippians 1:3-11
In what is my last sermon as a pastor at Westside I want nothing more than to express my thanks to the Lord and to the Body of Westside and do so by borrowing from Paul and Philippians 1:3-11.
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Speaker: Norm Funk
Date: March 17, 2019
Text: Hebrews 10-12
How do we move from domesticated and safe to expectant and faithful in our journey of faith? We address that question in depth in this message coming out of Hebrews 10-12.
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All Peoples, All Nations
Speaker: Josh Dool
Date: February 3, 2019
Text: Missions Sunday
This week we will take a look at how ‘Making Jesus Known’ is not just the mission statement of Westside, but the purpose and mission for all of humanity and even God himself. We’ll see how the plan of God from before the world began was to reveal himself through Christ, and how we can more faithfully engage in the mission of ‘making him known’.
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Revive Us
Speaker: Matt Menzel
Date: January 6, 2019
Text: Isaiah 57:15
In this sermon we will kick off the new year with a look at the biblical concept of revival. What does revival mean? Why should we care about it? And how can we experience it personally and as a church?
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Kingdom Contentment // Psalm 73
Speaker: Joseph Peterson
Date: December 30, 2018
Text: Psalm 73
How do we become a community of contentment in a culture of consumerism and discontentment? We do this by looking to our King and his vision for the Kingdom of God.
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Abide In Me - John 15:1-17
Speaker: Norm Funk
Date: Nov 25, 2018
Text: John 15:1-17
We take a one week break from our current series and consider three questions coming out of John 15:1-17 and Jesus' call to abide in Him.
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Life & Labour - Part 2
Speaker: Matt Menzel
Date: Sept 9, 2018
Text: John 17:17-26
In part two of 'Life and Labour' we will head back to Jesus' prayer for the Church in John 17. What would it look like for disciples of Jesus to be aligned with the heart of God in our time and place? How can we make sure that the values at the centre of God's heart are the same ones at the centre of our lives?
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Life & Labour - Part 1
Speaker: Joseph Peterson
Date: Sept 2, 2018
Text: John 17:14-16
In part 1 of this series, we will unpack John 17 by looking at following Jesus. What does it mean to follow Jesus. Put another way, we’re answering the question, “If I follow Jesus, what should I expect?” “Based on the life and teaching of Jesus, what sort of life does He call his followers to?” Is it a giant list of do’s and don’ts, is it easy, or comfortable, make your life better, awesome, terrible, or something different altogether? What should mark us as citizens of the Kingdom of God living in Vancouver?
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How do I know God loves me?
“I know that God loves me because ...” - We may naturally answer this question based on our performance, success, health or a myriad of different ways. But is there a more solid ground for our hope that we are loved by God? 1 John teaches that the answer is a resounding YES. Specifically, we know that we are loved by God through God the Son, Jesus, manifesting the love of God through his life and, supremely, through His death on the cross in our place. God’s love has been clearly manifested through Jesus, and as this love grounds and transforms our hearts, we love others with a self-sacrificial, humble love as a response. And as we love one another as we have been loved, we reveal God’s love for those around us who desperately need it. In so doing, we make Jesus Known.
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Caving In
Speaker: Norm Funk
Text: 1 Kings 19:1-2, 9-16
Date: January 07, 2018
The greatness of the prophet Elijah is without debate; few were more committed to the glory of God than he. However, even Elijah was prone to fear, anger and despondency. This sermon investigates how the restoration of Elijah from places like those takes place and what we can learn from it.
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Garbage and Gain
Speaker: Joseph Peterson
Text: Phillippians 3:4b-11
Date: December 31, 2017
As we end 2017 and look forward to 2018 we’ll look at Paul’s encouragement to consider everything we could put our hope and confidence in outside of the finished work of Jesus as garbage for the sake of knowing Jesus and being found in Him.
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The Existence of God and the Presence of Evil
Speaker: Norm Funk
Date: November 12, 2017
In light of last Sunday’s mass-shooting in a Texas Church, we take a break from our series in Matthew and address the topic of “The Existence of God and the Presence of Evil.”
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The Lords Prayer
Speaker: Matt Menzel
Date: January 1, 2017
Text: Matthew 6:9-13
In this New Year's Day sermon we will take some time to talk about prayer. Specifically, how God intends to use it as a transformative gift in our lives.
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Making Jesus Known
Speaker: Matt Menzel
Date: September 11. 2016
Text: 1 Corinthians 1
As we come to the start of another ministry year we will take some time to walk through portions of 1 Corinthians 1 in order to evaluate our faithfulness as a local church.
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The Origin, Necessity, and Purpose of Christian...
Date: July 3,2016
Speaker: Josh Dool
Throughout the New Testament we encounter descriptions that depict the Christian Church as being The Body of Christ, and we see many instances where instructions and commands are not directed toward the individual, but rather the community. This week we look at the origin, design, plan behinds God’s structuring of this community, and we encounter the purpose and mission of God in uniting Christians together in this way.
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10 Year Anniversary // I Will Build My Church
Speaker: Norm Funk
Date: Sept 13, 2015
Text: Matthew 16:13-23
On a Sunday where we celebrate 10 years of ministry we look at the promises of Jesus to His Church.
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The Pain Of The World And The Purposes Of God
Speaker: John Piper
Date: April 26, 2015
Text: Romans 8:18-25
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Remember: Part 2
Speaker: Matt Menzel
Date: January 4, 2015
Text: 2 Peter 3:1-13
As we close out our 'Remember' mini series we will unpack some of the Apostle Peter's writing and focus in on one particular aspect of the gospel that doesn't usually get a lot of attention but that we are to be in constant remembrance of and that is meant to alter everything about our lives.
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Remember: Part 1
Speaker: Matt Menzel
Date: December 28, 2014
Text: Psalm 77
As 2014 comes to a close we will seek to put this past year in right perspective by examining what it means to live our lives in remembrance of Jesus.
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When God Visits
Speaker: Norm Funk
Date: July 13 2014
Text: Luke 7:11-17
Luke 7:11-17 records one of the greatest miracles of Jesus but the text is greater still if we see how it reveals the beautiful aspects of Jesus' ministry and why He came to us.
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The Love of God
Speaker: Matt Menzel
Date: Mar 23 2014
Text: John 1:1-18, Philippians 2:1-11
Volumes have been written on humanity's need and desire to feel loved. Love motivates us, terrifies us, and can paralyze us. In a world like this the truth that 'God loves you' often falls on deaf ears. What does that even mean? How can we know that His love is for real? As we move toward the Easter season and the celebration of Jesus' resurrection we need to first pause and consider the fullest manifestation of God's love to us: the incarnation.
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Preach the gospel all the time...and use words!
peaker: Bill Hogg
Date: February 9, 2014
Text: Acts 8:26-40
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